U+ One 准备行动计划
What is the Digital Marketing Program?
Implementing digital marketing strategies can be complicated, and in today’s competitive landscape, it’s important to make every dollar count. Our Digital Marketing Program offers social media management, SEO optimization, e-commerce, branding and positioning.
Contact us at info@upluscareer.com

program introduction
Provide foundational knowledge and applied skills that employers value in digital marketing.
Provide an overview and hand-on experience of Social Media Marketing, Owned Media Marketing, Mobile Marketing.
Learn about the industry in advance through the self-study content from excellent courses and tutorials.

program objectives
To develop the skillset of formulating a marketing plan that will meet the needs or goals of a business or organization.
To develop strategies for effective distribution of products, concepts, goods and services that respond to evolving markets.
- To develop oral, written, and graphic communication skills in order to accurately present marketing information persuasively and accurately in interactive media formats.

Gain skills in market data and segmentation, campaign planning, web analytics, email marketing and marketing automation.
Develop digital advertising campaigns such as presentations, websites, social media, brochures, reports and newsletters.
Learn to utilize SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SEM (Search Engine Marketing), CRM (Customer Relationship Management) communications and PPC (Pay per click) advertising.
expected outcomes
Meet our Coaches/Mentors
Lin Tian 拥有超 过20年的人力资源管理经验。凭借她在人才招聘和管理咨询方面的丰富经验,她曾经帮助了人们发现他们的梦想职业,并为他们提供工具和求职策略来获得这些工作。

Lin Tian 拥有超过20年的人力资源管理经验。凭借她在人才招聘和管理咨询方面的丰富经验,她曾经帮助了人们发现他们的梦想职业,并为他们提供工具和求职策略来获得这些工作。
Alayne 是一位作家和人力资源协调员。 Alayne 在人力资源招聘方面拥有丰富的经验,包括简历筛选、招聘会、面试和 LinkedIn 帖子。 Alayne 专门从事 LinkedIn 招聘,已经筛选了数千名候选人担任项目协调员、网站开发人员等各种职位。在业余时间,Alayne 是一名英语/法语教师,并出版了一本名为《教你的孩子另一种语言:2022 年英语教师的观点》的书。

Registration Details
program fee
$1500 - $4500 (15 - 60 hrs of hand-on work)
when & where?
Virtual Zoom Room
Meeting ID: To be determined
Safe and Secure
target audience
Young Professionals
Small businesses