University Career Pathway
Types of Degrees
There are 3 different degrees that you can achieve through a university pathway: Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, and Ph.D.
Bachelor's Degree
A bachelor's degree is an undergraduate degree that requires 3 to 4 years in a specific field in college or university. It is the first step towards graduate studies such as Master, doctoral or even degrees in professional fields such as medicine or law.
While you're working towards your bachelor's, you can also participate in lectures, labs, research, discussion groups, and co-op programs.
Canadian Bachelor's Degrees are globally recognized and equivalent to undergraduate programs in other countries.
Master's Degree
A master's degree can be achieved after completing your undergraduate studies. It usually requires 1-3 years of full-time study. For most programs, a bachelor's degree is typically required before you can start getting your Master's.
Students will have to lectures, complete assignments, visit research sites and sometimes travel worldwide as part of their training.
Students must also complete a heavily weighted dissertation/thesis, an academic paper summarizing all the research they conducted during their Master's.
Benefits include:
Improves your standing in a competitive field
Ideal for students who are unsure what they want to do after their undergraduate studies
Receive higher salaries than those only with a bachelor's degree
A doctor of philosophy, or a Ph.D., can be achieved after 3-7 years of full-time study with guidance from a Ph.D. advisor.
Ph.D.s are recognized internationally and put you at the top of the field. Once completed, students are formally known as "Doctors."
To apply for a Ph.D., you will need personal statements, academic references, and a Ph.D. research proposal that includes extensive research relevant to your thesis/dissertation, research methodology, and other resources.
The first two years consist of a small portion of coursework and a qualifying exam. Moreover, the study mainly collects and analyzes data from your research and writing your dissertation.
At the end of your Ph.D. study, you will have to complete a dissertation ranging from 50 to 300 pages and defend it by presenting it in front of a significant examination panel.